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1Placing the Powerflor60E5A55FDF0B335086257D0300531341Placing the panelsList OnlyPowerflor Installation<a href="theget/Product-Powerflor+Installation#Placing+the+Powerflor">Placing the Powerflor</a>{documentid:'60E5A55FDF0B335086257D0300531341',listClass:'',sublist:'no',showTitle:'No',showFooter:'No'}<div class="row list-container">
<div class="col-md-4"><img alt="Installation, Laying Floor Panels, Starting" src="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Place Floor.jpg" style="height:300px; width:350px" /></div>

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<h4><strong><u>Placing The Powerflor</u></strong></h4>

<p style="text-align:left">Once the Powerflor arrives at the site, the panels are stagged by stacking the floor panels across the area of the installation. Once this is complete, a foam underlay is rolled out onto the floor to prevent the panels from shifting. Floor panels are then placed tightly next to each other starting from the corner of the install area. Full panels are placed into the area leaving open area only where full panels will not fit. Leaving these areas for edge panels and cut panels. Once the room is filled, edge panels are cut to fit the remainder of the room and pre-glued carpet panels are palced on these cut panels.</p>

<p><u><strong>Powerflor Install Images:</strong></u></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Placement of PF.jpg" target="_blank">Placement of the Floor</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Electrical Assembly.jpg" target="_blank">Outlet Panel Install</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/places edges.jpg" target="_blank">Edge Cuts</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/carpet cutting.jpg" target="_blank">Adding carpet to edges</a></p>

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2Electrical AssemblyEE7DCDC847654E2186257D0300532F60Assembly of the power outlets into the PowerflorList OnlyPowerflor Installation<a href="theget/Product-Powerflor+Installation#Electrical+Assembly">Electrical Assembly</a>{documentid:'EE7DCDC847654E2186257D0300532F60',listClass:'',sublist:'no',showTitle:'No',showFooter:'No'}<div class="row list-container">
<div class="col-md-4"><img alt="Installation, Electrical System, Pre-manufactured wiring" src="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Electrical Assembly.jpg" style="height:300px; width:350px" /></div>

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<h4><strong><u>Electrical Assembly</u></strong></h4>

<p style="text-align:left">While the floor is being placed, the outlet panels are placed into the floor per the install requirements. Once the floor is placed, duplex outlet inserts are snapped into junction block bases and connected to each other by using our cable assemblies and situated next to its correlating grommet. Then the appropriate floor panels are removed from the system in rows, between the floor and the outlet location. Then electrical outlet chains are placed into the sub floor. The assembled outlet is snapped into the bottom of the grommet, and two locking snap clips are installed. Floor panels are then replaced, covering the electrical system.</p>

<p><u><strong>Powerflor Electrical Install Images:</strong></u></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/outlet placement.jpg" target="_blank">Placing Components</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/finishing outlet.jpg" target="_blank">Outlet Mounting</a></p>

<p>Completed installaton</p>

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3Data Assembly49458E4C9F68474B86257D03005346AFPlacing the data panels into the powerflor cable management systemList OnlyPowerflor Installation<a href="theget/Product-Powerflor+Installation#Data+Assembly">Data Assembly</a>{documentid:'49458E4C9F68474B86257D03005346AF',listClass:'',sublist:'no',showTitle:'No',showFooter:'No'}<div class="row list-container">
<div class="col-md-4"><img alt="Pre-Terminated Cabling, Cat 6, Communication, Data" src="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Data Cable assembly.jpg" style="height:300px; width:350px" /></div>

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<h4><strong><u>Data Assembly</u></strong></h4>

<p style="text-align:left">After the electrical assembly is complete the data assembly begins. Pre-terminated communication cable assemblies are rolled out on top of the floor from the network connection point. They are routed in bundled appropriatly for the outlet location. Again appropriate floor panels are removed from the system in rows, between the network connection point and each outlet. Cable bundles are placed in the subfloor and covered with the panels, leaving the jack connectors extending through the grommets. The connections are accatched and secured into the floor and the data install is complete.</p>

<p><u><strong>Powerflor Data Images:</strong></u></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Routing Cables.jpg" target="_blank">Routing the cables</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/outlet placement.jpg" target="_blank">Placing components</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Finishing an Outlet.jpg" target="_blank">Finishing Outlet</a></p>


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4Moving the Outlets44AE60E716843C2D86257D030053589AMoving the Poweflor OutletsList OnlyPowerflor Installation<a href="theget/Product-Powerflor+Installation#Moving+the+Outlets">Moving the Outlets</a>{documentid:'44AE60E716843C2D86257D030053589A',listClass:'',sublist:'no',showTitle:'No',showFooter:'No'}<div class="row list-container">
<div class="col-md-4"><img alt="Move Panel, Lift Panel, Access Cables" src="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Move Outlets.jpg" style="height:300px; width:350px" /></div>

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<h4><strong><u>Moving The Outlets</u></strong></h4>

<p style="text-align:left">Historically moving outlets has been costly and labor intensive, often lacking in location options. With Powerflor that problem is solved. Using a flat bladed tool, remove the selected panel with the coresponding outlet and neccessary adjacent panels. Then simplp reposition the outlet to the desired location and checking all connections. Replace the adjacent panels and your outlet is moved to its new location. With all the panels being the same size, the outlets can be moved to any location within the floor.</p>

<p><u><strong>Moving Outlet Steps:</strong></u></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Move1med.jpg" target="_blank">Remove Outlet Panel</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Move2-med.jpg" target="_blank">Remove Adjacent Panels</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Move3med.jpg" target="_blank">Relocate Outlet</a></p>

<p><a href="get/Image-Product-Powerflor Installation/$FILE/Move 4med.jpg" target="_blank">Replace Panels</a></p>

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